Smokers and cigarettes are friends
The relationship between smokers and cigarettes has some intimacy. Smokers want to use cigarettes because they consider them as old and close friends they live with. These are true friends and supporters in any critical situation and under severe conditions. Cigarettes are intimate because smokers always light them when they are anxious and sorry for […]
Mouthpiece for cigarettes comes again into fashion
Mouthpiece for cigarettes comes again into fashion. Who invented it? What is the mouthpiece intended for? How is it produced? This will be discussed in the article. So … What is the mouthpiece? If we translate the word “mouthpiece” from German, we get two roots: Mund (it means “mouth”) and Stück (“part”). So, are we […]
Le nombre de fumeurs a drastiquement baissé – Mais plus d’enfants fument des cigarettes électroniques en temps que les adultes choisissent d’acheter cigarettes en ligne
Les recherchent américaines montrent qu’aujourd’hui moins adolescents fument des cigarettes que jamais. Selon les Centres Américains pour le Contrôle et la Prévention des Maladies seulement 11 pour cent des étudiants de l’école secondaire ont affirmé qu’ils fumaient en 2015. Ce nombre se situait à 15.7 pour cent en 2013 et 18,1 pour cent en 2011. […]
Is it possible to smoke safe cigarettes?
Will cigarettes be ever safe for health? The tobacco industry spends a lot of money for achieving this goal, but the result will probably not please smokers. For tobacco empires the creation cigarettes causing no lung cancer, has become something like a search of the Holy Grail. In recent years, the authorities in most developed […]
Smoking in the Past and Now
Cigarettes and other tobacco products were not always as expensive as they are now. They ever cost less than 50 cents a pack. Nobody criticized smokers at that time. Decent people used tobacco and nobody blamed them for that. No respectable politician or businessman could be imagined without a cigar or a cigarette between his […]
Glamour – von Zigarettenliebhabern hoch bewertet
Die Länder im Osten zeichnen sich durch hervorragende Qualitãt, egal ob es Lebensmittel oder Tabakprodukte sind. All die Innovationen gehen aus diesen Regionen aus. Die Glamour Zigaretten sind keine Ausnahme. Das Rauchprodukt eines renommierten Tabakunternehmens Korea Tobacco&Ginseng Corp findet einen bereiten Markt. Im Osten hat diese Firma schon die Herzen vieler Raucher gewonnen und ist […]
It is pointless to quit smoking
A healthy lifestyle will not save the inveterate smokers. Anyway, so according to US researchers, who found out that refusal of addiction does not affect the state of the human lung. It must be said that, upsetting the audience and making them get up on the “right path” will lead to the results, which are […]
Cigarettes Davidoff: une histoire de succès d’une marque mondiale
Davidoff est le nom d’une marque de luxe des produits de tabac en Suisse, porté par une vaste gamme de produits , y incluant cigares, cigarillos, cigarettes et tabac pour pipe. Sa marque de cigarettes appartient actuellement a Imperial Tobacco, mais la société est par ailleurs géré de manière indépendante par Oettinger Davidoff AG. Il […]
Sobranie – Millionen Liebhaber weltweit sind nun diesen Zigaretten treu
Das Rauchen von Sobranie Zigaretten hatte aus historischer Sicht schon in der Urzeit angefangen und die Millionen Liebhaber weltweit sind nun diesen Zigaretten treu. Dieses Rauchen konnte sich entwickeln, da es an religiöse Festivale angeknüpft wurde, als man es für rituelle Bräuche benutzt wurde. Gleicherweise rauchten die Schamanen und Priester, die dadurch Ihre Entscheidungen angeblich […]
Kent Cigarettes – A key to new cigarette trends
Initially, the interest to the Kent cigarettes appeared as soon as the producer presented them to the tobacco market in 1952. That manufacturer was the well-known company P. Lorillard. Its goal was, to great extent, to produce the purified cigarette brand, in which the content of in tar and nicotine was reduced to a minimum […]