Published on March 27, 2013 in Electronic cigarettes &sdot Full size is 863 949 Pixels &sdot Leave a comment

Regulation of electronic cigarettes in the EU

Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom
no specific rules, existing consumer product safety legislation applies.
Belgium, Luxembourg considered as tobacco product if it contains tobacco extract, and as medicinal product if it contains nicotine but no tobacco extract.
Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden considered as medicinal product Finland bans advertising.
France considered as medicinal product if nicotine content exceeds limits (10mg or 20 mg/ml).
Greece prohibited unless specifically approved by Health Ministry.
Lithuania banned as imitation tobacco products, regardless of nicotine content.
Malta regulated under tobacco act.
Poland advertising ban.
Belgium, Malta and Slovakia ban the consumption of electronic cigarettes in enclosed public places, bars and restaurants and other workplaces.

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Protest against inclusion of electronic cigarettes in the european tobacco products directive

Trouble is brewing in the electronic cigarette sector

Protest against inclusion of electronic cigarettes in the European Tobacco
Products Directive

supports all peaceful demonstrations and protests with a main goal to protect the health of smokers and ex smokers who have successfully substituted smoking with e cigarette use. Therefore, we share with you the announcement of a protest organized by the UK community and supported by several others, to be held in Brussels on Wednesday 10th July 2013. Here is the announcement

On Wednesday 10th July 2013, vapers from across Europe will meet together in Brussels to protest, peacefully, against the potential inclusion of Electronic Cigarettes as Medicines in the Revision to the Tobacco Products Directive.

They will meet up in Place Luxembourg (subject to the appropriate permissions, which have been applied for) at 12 30 local time, to prepare for a startling and memorable demonstration of what classifying e cigs as medicines will actually mean the continued early deaths of up to 2,000 smokers every day of every year. At 13 00, each vaper present will burst one or more black balloons, each one signifying the life of a smoker who, had they been allowed to switch to electronics cigarettes by choice and desire, would reach their full span, but, because of classification as medicines will die early, as a smoker.

We hope to be joined by MEPs and other interested parties. Please join us.

For details and updates on this protest,check here