As of 11 a.m. Wednesday, 1,666 people have voted that e cigarettes should not be banned on the Oklahoma State University campus. Sixty six, on the other hand, have supported the idea of the ban.

If this poll serves as any sort of indicator for how the community feels about the ban, we think the OSU/A&M Board of Regents should be willing to reconsider its stance.

The ban on e cigarettes on campus comes on the heels of Governor Mary Fallin s use of an executive order to bypass the legislative process and institute a ban on e cigs on state property.

Almost 1,200 American colleges have banned traditional cigarettes on campus, including OSU, according to the American Nonsmokers Rights Foundation. Of these, more than 800 have banned tobacco products entirely.

The two primary motivators for such bans are undoubtedly the danger posed to the public by secondhand smoke and the danger posed to the individual user by consumption of tobacco products. But in the case of e cigarettes, neither of these two criteria apply.

A recent Nicotine and Tobacco Research study determined that in the case of e cigarettes, bystanders were not exposed to any byproduct of the user other than nicotine, and even that exposure was 10 times less than traditional cigarettes. And while the jury is still out on the full range of health effects to the user, e cigarettes do not use tobacco.

Moreover, some users including a woman wishing to be identified only as Shannon, affiliated with OSU report that the use of e cigarettes has helped them overcome their tobacco addiction, thus living healthier lives with e cigarettes than they did before.

So why was banning e cigarettes so important that Fallin chose to issue an executive order banning their use on state land, and why did the OSU/A&M Board of Regents see banning e cigarettes as such a vital concern?

In defense of the ban, Fallin argued, E cigarettes release vapor that contains chemicals that can impact employees and visitors to state property. Additionally, many electronic cigarettes look like traditional cigarettes and emit a vapor that looks like smoke. This creates confusion for employees and visitors, and presents enforcement challenges for state agencies.

Sean Gore, chairman of the Oklahoma Vapors Advocacy League, dismisses Fallin s claims, saying that no credible source has identified a danger to the public with the consumption of e cigarettes.

Many have taken special issue with the latter part of Fallin s argument, the claim that e cigarettes ought to be banned simply because they look like traditional cigarettes.

The whole situation seems to be a knee jerk reaction before adequately examining the facts and a prime example of government overreach. The Board of Regents ban on e cigarettes is likely of the same kind, a public relations move to paint OSU as a leader in public health.

The reality is that the long term effects of e cigarettes are still unknown, and the student opposition to the ban is nearly unanimous.


The world’s fastest dictionary :

10 things e-cigarettes won't tell you –

  1. smoky quartz a smoky yellow or brown quartz
  2. smoke cured dried and cured by hanging in wood smoke
  3. smokescreen (military) screen consisting of a cloud of smoke that obscures movements
  4. smoke grenade a bomb that gives off thick smoke when it explodes
  5. smoke screen (military) screen consisting of a cloud of smoke that obscures movements
  6. Dixiecrats a former political party in the United States
  7. smoke dried dried and cured by hanging in wood smoke
  8. cubeb cigarette a cigarette containing cubeb
  9. muskus grass low annual European herb naturalized in America
  10. Descartes French philosopher and mathematician
  11. secretase a set of enzymes believed to snip pieces off a longer protein producing fragments of amyloid protein that bunch up and create amyloid protein plaques in brain tissue (the pathological hallmark of Alzheimer’s)
  12. Socrates ancient Athenian philosopher teacher of Plato and Xenophon
  13. smoking room room in a hotel or club set apart for smokers
  14. cigarette finely ground tobacco wrapped in paper for smoking
  15. mucous colitis recurrent abdominal pain and diarrhea
  16. square toes a formal and conservative person with old fashioned views
  17. Mexican tea Eurasian aromatic oak leaved goosefoot with many yellow green flowers naturalized North America
  18. concretise make something concrete
  19. smokestack a large tall chimney through which combustion gases and smoke can be evacuated
  20. syncretise unite (beliefs or conflicting principles)