Kent cigarettes sont appréciées pour leur qualité supérieure
Kent cigarettes sont une marque populaire de cigarettes fabriquées par British American Tobacco. Les cigarettes Kent sont appréciées pour leur qualité supérieure et leur goût distinctif, et constituent le premier choix de nombreux fumeurs. La société américaine Lorillard a commencé la production en masse des Kent cigarettes en 1952. Les cigarettes Kent étaient conditionnées dans […]
Les Clan cigarettes sont supérieures
Les Clan cigarettes sont un tabac de qualité supérieure. Lors de la création de la marque, l’objectif du fabricant était de faire découvrir aux consommateurs un mélange de tabac fabriqué selon les anciennes traditions écossaises. La recette de Clan cigarettes comprend pas moins de 14 variétés de premier ordre provenant du Brésil et de la […]
La prospérité de la marque des Chesterfield cigarettes
La marque des Chesterfield cigarettes a été fondée en 1873 en tant que sous-produit de l’activité commerciale américaine, dans les premières années du développement de la marque; La marque est aujourd’hui détenue par Philip Morris International. Ces cigarettes portent le nom de comtés de Virginie. Chester” a été produite par la Drummond Tobacco Company en […]
Les Captain Black cigarettes du Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Captain Black cigarettes sont une marque de cigarettes bien connue. L’entreprise occupe une position de leader au sein du Scandinavian Tobacco Group aux États-Unis, au Moyen-Orient. Auparavant, le fabricant se consacrait à la production de produits de haute qualité. Par la suite, les cigarillos “Captain Black” ont été aromatisés et sont devenus populaires auprès des […]
The lightest types of Chesterfield cigarettes
Currently, it is very easy to wholesale Chesterfield cigarettes from authorized manufacturers and retailers. However, there is no guarantee that you will be purchasing authentic, high quality tobacco products. What can you do in this case? It is actually very easy! Our online store is a responsible and reliable wholesale tobacco supplier. Our tobacco store […]
R1 cigarettes – all views of people and their attitude towards smoking are important
R1 cigarettes are a cigarette brand that is among the best representatives of tobacco products. Moreover, these cigarettes minimize the harm to people who smoke. During its decades of activity, the tobacco brand has always adhered to its principles and traditions. And the mentioned products are being improved and developed on a constant basis. Its […]
Strong 555 cigarettes with special additives
State Express 555 cigarettes are a British tobacco brand with a long history. According to legend, the brand’s founder, Albert Levy, was on the Empire State Express while traveling in the United States in the late 19th century. He gave the cigarette manufacturer the same name and registered it as a trademark three years later. […]
Parliament cigarettes are the Philip Morris’ premium tobacco
From its inception to the present day, this brand has been positioned as a lifestyle brand for successful people. The history of the Parliament brand has had many pinnacles. The most important of these are as follows – 1931 – Brand Founded In the early 1930s, Philip Morris decided to produce cigarettes with a fine […]
Lucky strike cigarettes – associated with prosperity and wealth, as well as sports
Lucky Strike cigarettes are loved by every smoker, even those just starting out and those just getting used to smoking. This brand means success at all times, and its history is interesting and full of many significant and exciting events: a completely burned down factory, a feminist movement and a weight loss product, patriotism, and […]
Iqos heets Turquoise sticks for iqos Heating Systems
Iqos heets Turquoise is refreshing menthol flavored tobacco with a simple, strong tobacco base and a bright, cool menthol flavor. This flavor has an invigorating freshness that helps add a change to your daily smoking habit. Moreover, iqos heets Turquoise sticks for iqos Heating Systems are an elegant tobacco blend with a warm, nutty flavor […]