Stopping fires caused by unattended cigarettes in the eu – european public health alliance
Following on from a Commission decision, from 17 November 2011, all cigarettes will have to integrate “‘Reduced Ignition Propensity” (RIP), a system that extinguish a cigarette left unattended by itself . By introducing this measure, the EU intends to curb the fires that are caused by a lack of attention, as it has been observed […]
Winston lights regular cigarettes – reviews for winston cigarettes online
Comments i have been smoking for 35 years, and am now 50.i’ve tried many dozens,and had maybe 10 12 favorites for a few months to a couple years.i now smoke winston light 100’s ,and find them the best cig i can ever recall. im VERY pleased with them fine flavor, right strenght, veerry slow burning […]
Cigarettes in usa and eastern europe
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Buying goods in another member state – european commission
There are no limits on what private persons can buy and take with them when they travel between EU countries, as long as the products purchased are for personal use and not for resale, with exception of new means of transport. Taxes (VAT and excise) will be included in the price of the products in […]
Retail price of winston cigarettes in sweden
April 28th, 2014 Rate this post Retail price of Winston cigarettes in Sweden. Cigarettes litter ground, much cigarettes duty free Oklahoma, retail price of Winston cigarettes in Sweden, Superkings lights online, wholesale American Legend cigarettes for resale.Cigarette smoking gives most people satisfaction. It calms their neural system and relaxes them every time they are usually […]
Legislation – european commission
The basic legislative act is Council Directive 2011/64/EU of 21 June 2011 on the structure and rates of excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco (codification). This Directive defines the various categories of manufactured tobacco (cigarettes, fine cut tobacco intended for the rolling of cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, other smoking tobacco) lays down the general principles […]
E-cigarettes face classification as medicines
The European Parliament’s environment and health committee voted today (10 July) to back the European Commission’s proposal for new tobacco restrictions, banning slim cigarettes and flavourings including menthol cigarettes and requiring graphic pictorial warnings covering 75% of cigarette packs. Despite a demonstration in front of the Parliament today by advocates of smokless electronic cigarettes, the […]
Surveyanalytics survey – surveyanalytics : newsletter
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European union holds workshop on electronic cigarettes
Posted by Vranks on May 15, 2013 Under E Cig News On May 7th, the European Parliment organized a workshop to present e cigarette regulatory issues to MEPs (Members of the European Parliament). Although renowned professors who have actually conducted research on the effects of electronic cigarettes spoke in favor of them and representatives of […]
Eu brings stricter measures against e-cigarettes
Some campaigners had called for e cigarettes to be subjected to the same regulation as nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) such as patches and gum. E cigarettes consist of a battery, a cartridge containing nicotine, a solution of propylene glycol or glycerine mixed with water, and an atomiser to turn the solution into a vapour. Liberal […]